Welcome to AIR APPLY where we specialise in the precise application of agricultural products by aircraft.

Operating the modern gas turbine powered Airtractor 502B, AIR APPLY’s highly trained and experienced pilots coupled with Satloc GPS have been accurately applying all types of products to farms throughout Western Victoria for the past 15 years.

Based at the Warrnambool Airport we offer fast friendly easy to organise service throughout Western Victoria. These areas include, Warrnambool, Penshurst, Hamilton, Ararat, Lake Bolac, Mortlake, Casterton, Wimmera and Mallee regions.

Whether you require,

>Broadleaf weed or Insect control in pasture.

>Spreading of annual fertilisers, Urea, Seed, Cricket/Mouse/Slug bait.

>Application of plant health products for the control of Weeds, Insects and Fungus on all crop types including, Cereals, Legumes and Oil seed.

For a friendly, professional and cost effective service to help you meet the ever changing seasonal requirements of your farming enterprise, Call AIR APPLY.

Air Apply is a proud member of the Aerial Application Association of Australia Ltd. (AAAA) and is SPRAYSAFE Accredited.


Warrnambool Airport

P : 0419 876 826

E : ops@airapply.com.au